The author explores sound synthesis research. And his computer music pieces are dependent on these technologies. This attitude comes originaly from Musique Concrete.
The concept of ``repeating the same information" is important not only in music, but also in visual art and even in daily life. Various mirrors are tools to reflect or repeat rays. By choosing a mirror as the theme of a piece, the composer tries to evoke a double effect, conveying the impression of the mirror and musical unification. Lyric texts are referred to ``Man'yoshu'', which is an eighth century style of poetry, consisting mainly of {\it tanka} poems, the Japanese ode of 31 (5+7+5+7+7) syllables. Three tankas are selected because of their relevance to a mirror,
Two characteristics of sound synthesis and music performance are as follows:
[Seymour 1988] Richard Seymour, Michael Palin and Alan Lee, ``The Mirrorstone,'' Jonathan Cape Ltd, London, 1986.