Naotoshi Osaka Music Pieces Notes
Naotoshi Osaka Computer Music Pieces


These are the explanations of five computer music pieces composed since 1991.

The author explores sound synthesis research. And his computer music pieces are dependent on these technologies. This attitude comes originaly from Musique Concrete.

Outline of music pieces

  1. Shizuku no Kuzushi (Variation of Water Drops) Program note
    Aug. 4, 1991. Computer Music Independent Concert
    [Kobe XEBEC Hall] Premiered.
    Sep. 10, 1993.ICMC'93 (International Computer Music Conference)
    [Waseda University, Ibuka Hall]
       Yoshinao Shiraki(Violin)
       Naotoshi osaka(Software and Computer operation)

  2. Nango ``YayaYa'' Program note
    Feb. 11, 1993. Organized by Information Processing Society of Japan, Special Interest Group on Music, co-organized by Japan Contemporary Music Association
    ``Computer Music II''[Ginza Juujiya Hall]premiered
    Hiroko Oh-ide(Soprano)
    Yoshinao Shiraki(Violin)
    Naotoshi Osaka(Software and Computer operation)

  3. Masokagakmi Program note
    Nov. 6, 1994. Organized by Japan Computer Music Association, ``Computer Music Today I''
    [Kobe XEBEC Hall]premiered
       Setsu Inoue (Soprano)
    Sep. 3, 1995.  MUSIANA95[Louisiana Museum, Denmark]
    Hanne Andersen(Soprano)
    Naotoshi osaka(Software and Computer operation)

  4. Prosody++ Program note
    1995.9.3  MUSIANA95(Japan Today)[Louisiana Museum, Denmark]Premiered.
    Norio Sato(Cond.)
    Yukihiko Nishizawa(Flute)
    Mitsuko Ishii(Violin)
    Yo-hei Matsuoka(Violoncello)
    Keiko Harada(Piano)
    Naotoshi osaka(Software and Computer operation)

  5. Mirror Stone Program note
    July 13, 1996. Organized by Japan Computer Music Association, ``Computer Music Today II''
    [Kobe Xebec Hall]Premiered
       Ayako Nishikawa(Flute)
    Naotoshi Osaka(Software and Computer Operation)

First created: Sep. 11, 1996.
Last update: May 7, 1998.
Naotoshi Osaka (

  1. Shizuku no Kuzushi

  2. Nango ``YayaYa'' (Japanese; English version not ready)

  3. Masokagami In this performance, MAX and Otkinshi are running on a Next computer with ISPW.

  4. Prosody++ for Flulte, Violin, Violincello, Piano, and NeXT

  5. ``Mirror Stone'' for flute and computer