Naotoshi Osaka
Naotoshi Osaka was born in Nagano prefecture, Japan in 1953. He is a composer
and communication researcher. He received M.S. degrees in electrical
engineering from Waseda University. His main research interests include
telephone transmission performance and speech dialogue. He is presently
studying timbre control both for sounds and speech. He is presently leading
a soundrepresentation and computer music research group at NTT Basic Research
Laboratories in Atsugi, Kanagawa. He studied composition with Sesshu Kai
and Daishiro Takusari. His work includes traditional style pieces for chamber
ensembles and piano solo. Since 1990 he has focused on composing computer
music. He joined in ICMC'94 at Waseda, Tokyo. A chamber work with live
electronics, titled ``Prosody++'' was well accepted at Japan Today
(MUSIANA'95) Louisiana museum, Denmark, IN 1995.
Besides composition, he has also organized computer music conerts several times
and make chances for new composers to join in the new computer music field.
First created: March 14, 1998.
Last update: May 7, 1998.
Naotoshi Osaka