Performers profiles of Naotoshi osaka's music pieces



Hiroko Oh-ide (Soprano)

東京芸術大学声楽科卒業。 She studied under Sadako Mine, Nobuyuki Ito, and Michiko Kanayama She is a concert solo singer whose main interest has been classical and religious pieces. She organizes a vocal ensemble "MOE", and held several concerts at Vario hall. She introduces not only classical songs, but many other genres including Japnese songs,

Yoshinao Shiraki (Violin)

Yoshinao Shiraki was born in Tokyo in 1956. He is a violinist and speech-coding reseacher. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in administration engineering from Keio University. He studied the elementary course under Ryosaku Kubota at the Toho School of Music, and from 1980 to 1990 he played with the New Symphony Orchestra. His musical influences include Yasushi Akutagawa, Kazuo Yamada, Toshio Hosokawa, Rikiya Nagano, Kouji Kawamoto, and Kounosuke Ono. He is currently a member of the Ueno Asakusa Philharmonic Orchestra.

Setsu Inoue (Soprano)

学習院大学文学部哲学科卒業。東京音楽大学音楽学部声楽科卒業、同研究科修了。 神奈川県立音楽堂推薦音楽会に出演。ブルガリア国際声楽ゼミナールに参加。 現在、東京音楽大学助手。声楽を内藤綾子、M・ピンカスの両氏に師事。

Ayako Nishikawa (Flute)

桐朋学園大学音楽学部を経て1995年同大学研究過程終了。1994年に朝日新聞主催 現代音楽室内楽コンクールにおいて奨励賞授賞。今までにフルートを白石孝子、 峰岸壮一、野口 龍の各氏に師事。