Paper list of Computer Music Research
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Sound timbre interpolation based on
physical modeling,'' Acoustical Science and Technology Vol. 22, No. 2,
101-111 (2001). (formerly J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E))
- Naotoshi Osaka, Ken-ichi Sakakibara, and Takafumi Hikichi, `` A
sound synthesis system 'Otkinshi' on Windows,'' Electronics and
Communications in Japan, Part 2, Vol. 87, No. 11, 2004.
- Takafumi Hikichi, Naotoshi Osaka, and Fumitada Itakura,
``Time-domain simulation of sound production of the sho,'' The Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 113, No. 2, pp. 1092-1101,
February 2003.
- Takafumi Hikichi, Naotoshi Osaka, and Fumitada
Itakura, ``Sho-So-In: Control of a physical model of the sho by means of
automatic feature extraction from real sounds,'' Journal of New Music
Research, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 355-365, 2004.
[pdf file]
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Measurements of the resonance frequencies
and the reed vibration of the sho,'' Acoustical Science and Technology
Vol. 23, No. 1, 25-27 (2002).
- K.-I. Sakakibara and N. Osaka, ``Vibrato control using a sinusoidal
model'', J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., 21-5, pp. 279 - 281, Acoust. Soc. Jpn.,
(May, 2000).
Technical Meeting (All in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Development of Sound Editor `Otkinshi' on NeXT
Computer,' Proc. of Technical meeting of special interest group on
Music, Information Processing Society of Japan, Dec. 1990. (in
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``On Sound material development system
`Otkinshi','' Proc. of summer symposium '91, Special interest group on
Music, Information Processing Society of Japan, Aug. 1991. (in
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Computer music system exhibition `Otkinshi',''
Proc. of Technical meeting of special interest group on Music,
Information Processing Society of Japan, Dec. 1991. (in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``On a sound generation and performance system,''
Proc. of technical meeting of IEICE EA92-31, pp. 27-32, June 1992. (in
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Timbre synthesis and information processing,''
in Suzuki et al.,``Research goal of music information processing,''
Proc. of Technical meeting of special interest group on Music,
Information Processing Society of Japan, 4-3, pp. 21-23, Dec. 1993. (in
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Characteristics analysis of a sinusoidal model
and an application to sound synthesis,'' Proc. of Technical meeting of
special interest group on Music, Information Processing Society of
Japan, Feb. 1994. (in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``A study on a sinusoidal model for voice quality
control,'' Annual meeting of Acoustic Society of Japan, spring '94,
3-8-7, Mar. 1994. (in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Computer music and sound synthesis
technology,'' Journal of Acoustic society of Japan, Vol 50, No. 10,
(Tutorial) pp. 842-848, 1994. (in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Computer music and acoustic technology,'' Proc.
of technical meeting of IEICE EA94-28, pp. 23-30, July 1994. (in
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Voice quality analysis of stationary vowels
using a sinusoidal model,'' Annual meeting of Acoustic Society of
Japan, Fall '94, 1-5-6, Oct. 1994. (in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka, Annual meeting of Acoustic Society of Japan,
``Voice quality interpolation of vowels using a sinusoidal model,''
Fall '95, 2-1-10, Sep. 1995. (in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Timbre interpolation using a sinusoidal
model,'' Proc. of Technical meeting of special interest group on Music,
Information Processing Society of Japan, 13-9, pp. 45-50, Dec. 1995.
(in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Timbre interpolation using a sinusoidal
model,'' Proc. of technical meeting of IEICE SP95-130, pp. 9-16, Feb.
1996. (in Japanese)
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Morphing of sounds of the strings and the
elastic media'', Tech. Rep. Musical Acoustics, MA96-18, pp.69-76 (1996)
(in Japanese).
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``On a submitted music piece - Sound morphing -
'', Proc. of technical meeting of IEICE SP96-114, pp. 7-12, 1997. 2.
- T.Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Morphing of sounds of the strucked strings,
plucked strings, and elastic media'', Tech. Rep. IEICE, SP96-111,
pp.23-28 (1997) (in Japanese).
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Sound timbre interpolation of the
struck strings, plucked strings, and the vibration of the elastic
media'', Proceedings of Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Japan, 2-9-12,
pp.659-660 (1997) (in Japanese).
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``On the timbre perception of sound morphing
using a physical model'', Tech. Rep. IEICE, SP97-109, pp.7-14 (1998)
(in Japanese).
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Sound morphing using a physical model
and timbre perception'', Proceedings of Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc.
Japan, 2-9-7, pp.637-638, 1998. 3. (in Japanese).
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Accounting for friction into a plucked
string synthesis model'', Tech. Rep. Musical Acoustics, MA98-25,
pp.75-80 (1998) (in Japanese). 1998.9.
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Effect of a friction term on a plucked
string model'', Proceedings of Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Japan, 1-7-4,
pp.641-642, 1998. (in Japanese).
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Morphing between piano And guitar
tones based on physical modeling,'' IPSJ SIGMUS. notes 99-MUS-31,
pp.19-26 (1999) (in Japanese).
- Naotoshi Osaka and Takafumi Hikichi, ``Sound generation system
`Otkinshi' on Windows,'' IPSJ SIGMUS. notes 99-MUS-31, pp.27-30 (1999)
(in Japanese).
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Timbre interpolation between piano and
guitar sounds using a spectral centroid,'' Proceedings of Autumn Meet.
Acoust. Soc. Japan, 1-4-7 (1999) (in Japanese).
- Naotoshi Osaka and Takafumi Hikichi, ``A study on sound synthesis
system `Otkinshi', '' Proceedings of Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc.
Japan,1-4-8, pp. 549-550 (1999) (in Japanese).
- Masahiko Todoroki, Ken-ichi Sakakibara, Naotoshi Osaka and Seiji
Adachi, ``Throat singing in Tyva, Khoomei,'' Proc. of Tech. Rep.
Musical Acoustics, MA99-, pp.- (1999) (in Japanese). 1999. 11.
International Conferences
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Otkinshi: A sound generation and performance
system,'' Proc. of ICMC 92 pp. 406-407. San Jose, California, 1992.
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Sound synthesis in computer music,'' Proc. of
French-Japanese workshop on synthetic world, Univ. of Aizu, Dec. 1993.
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``An analysis of voice quality using sinusoidal
model,'' Proc. of ICSLP 94, pp. 1647-1650, Yokohama, Japan, 1994.
- Naotoshi Osaaka, ``Timbre interpolation of sounds using a
sinusoidal model,'' ICMC 95 Proceeding, pp. 408-411, Banff, Canada, Sep.
- Naotoshi Osaka and Takafumi Hikichi, ``Auralization of physical
actions and biosignal,'' Proc. of ASVA97 (Int'l Symp. on Simulation,
Visualization and Auralization for Acoustic Research and Education),
pp. 403 - 404, Tokyo, Japan, April, 1997.
- Naotoshi Osaka, Keiji Hirata, Takafumi Hikichi, ``Studio report
of computer music research group,'' Proc. of the ICMC'97, pp. 293-296,
Thessaloniki, Greece, Sep. 1997.
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Timbre morphing and interpolation based on a
sinusoidal model,'' Proc. of ICA/ASA joint meeting, pp.83-84, Seattle,
June 1998.
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Visual manipulation environment on sound
synthesis, modification and performances'' Proc. of International
Computer Music Conference , pp. 429-432, Beijing, 1999.
- Takafumi Hikichi and Naotoshi Osaka, ``An approach to sound
morphing based on physical modeling,'' Proc. of International Computer
Music Conference , pp. 108-111, Beijing, 1999.
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Time-domain simulation of sound
production of the sho,'' 17th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA)
2001, Rome, Italy (Sep., 2001).
- T. Hikichi and N. Osaka, ``Time-domain simulation of sound
production of the sho, the Japanese free-reed mouth organ,''
International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA) 2001, Perugia,
Italy, 71-76 (2001).
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Sound synthesis and its application to
computer music,'' Proc. of IAEA2002, (Int. Association of Empirical
Aestics),pp.57-66, Takarauka, 2002, 8.
- Naotoshi Osaka, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, and Takafumi Hikichi, ``The
sound synthesis system "Otkinshi": its data structure and graphycal
user interface,'' Proc. of ICMC 2002,pp. 188-191, Goeteborg, Sweden,
2002. 9.
- Takafumi Hikichi and Naotoshi Osaka, ``A physical model of the
sho and its application to articulation synthesis,'' Proc. of ICMC 2002,
pp.1-4, Goeteborg, Sweden 2002. 9.
- Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Seiji Niimi and Naotoshi
Osaka, ``Synthesis of the laryngeal source of throat singing using a
2x2-mass model,'' Proc. of ICMC 2002, pp.5-8, Goeteborg, Sweden, 2002.
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Timbre synthesis technology and its
application to computer music compositions,'' Proceedings of ICA 2004,
Vol IV, pp.2501-2504, Kyoto, 2004, 4.
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Toward construction of a timbre theory for
music composition,'' Proceeding of ICMC 2004, pp.227-230, Miami, 2004
11.[pdf file]
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Concatenation and stretch/squeeze of musical
instrumental sound using morphing,'' Proceeding of ICMC 2005, to be
published, Barcelona, 2005 9. [pdf file]
Naotoshi Osaka, ``A new trend ofsound synthesis: as supporting technology of media content creation,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn, Vol. 62, No.6, pp.460-465, 2006.
(in Japanese)
Invited Lectures
``Computer Music tomorrow,'' Panel discussion, at Art center, Keio
``Sound morphing and its connection to art,'' JAS Conference, Japan
Audio Society, Japan home electricity building
``Sound syntehsis technique in multi-media era,''Nimokukai, Osaka.
``Music Creation by Computer,'' 30th Research and Development
seminor, The University of Electro-Communications.
``A proposal,''All Japan Electronic Instrument Education Research
Symposium, Komaba Eminence.
General journals
- Naotoshi Osaka, ``Introduction to NeXT for business use
(1)-(6),'' Computer Today, Science inc., Mar., May, July, Sep., Nov.
and Dec. 1991. (in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka,``Computer music as an intersection of
information science and art (1)-(6), Computer Today, Science Inc.,
Sep., Nov. 1993, Jan., May, July and Sep. 1994. (in Japanese)
- Naotoshi Osaka,``Computer music and music instrumental sound
synthesis,'' in Hirata et al.,``The world of computer and music,''
Kyoritsu shuppan, Bit appendix, 1998. 8.
- Keiji Hirata, Tatsuya Aoyagi, Yasuo Horiuchi and Naotoshi
Osaka, ``Computer Music Tutorial (Translation in Japanese),'' Tokyo
Denki University Press, 2000 3.
Last update: Nov. 14, 2006.