OPINE (Overall Performance Index model for Network Evaluation)
OPINE is an objective telephone transmission performance measure, which
estimates MOS (Mean Opinion Score) of the telephone transmission
system, given its physical conditions.
Software OPINE
Papers on telephone transmission performance
The transaction of the IEICE (Institute of electronics,
information and communication engineers
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Objective evaluation
model of telephone transmission performance for fundamental
transmission factors,'' The trans. of the IEICE J-68-A 1, Jan. 1985 (in
* English version (scripta) Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko
Kakehi, ``Objective Evaluation Model of Telephone Transmission
Performance for Fundamental Transmission Factors,'' Part 1, Vol.69,
No. 2, '86. 2.
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``A study on the
psychological factors that affect the opinion evaluation of telephone
transmission performance,'' The trans. of the IEICE J-69-A 5, May 1986.
(in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``A study on speech
volume in PBX usage,'' The trans. of the IEICE J-73-A 5,May 1990. (in
IEEE Transaction
Naotoshi Osaka, Kazuhiko Kakehi, Satoru Iai and Nobuhiko
Kitawaki, ``Objective Model for Evaluating Talker Echo and Sidetone in
Telephone Transmission System,'' IEEE Trans Communication, Vol. 40, No. 11, Nov. 1992.
International Conference
Naotoshi Osaka, ``Objective model for evaluating telephone
transmission performance,'' The 6th FASE symposium, Sep. 1986.
Naotoshi Osaka,``The 6th FASE symposium,'' The journal of the
acoustical society of Japan, Conference report, Apr. 1987. (in
Naotoshi Osaka, ``OPINE (Overall Performance
Evaluation model for Network Evaluation),'' CCITT Supplement Blue book
P11, No. 3d, Oct. 1988.
Naotoshi Osaka, ``Transmission Performance
Objective Evaluation Model for Fundamental Factors,'' CCITT COM
XII-174-E, Period 1981-1984, 1983. 6.
Naotoshi Osaka, ''Calculation Method of OPINE,'' CCITT COM
XII-235-E, Period 1981-1984, 1984. 4
Naotoshi Osaka, ''Objective Evaluation Model of Telephone
Transmission Performance for Fundamental Transmission Factors and
Quantizing Distortion,'' CCITT COM XII-10-E, Period 1985-1988, 1985. 6.
Naotoshi Osaka, ''Proposal for a standard opinion database
for objective performance model study,'' CCITT COM WP3/XII- D.31,
Period 1985-1988, 1987. 5.
NTT Electrical Communication Laboratories Technical Journal
Hideki Kawahara, Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi et al.
''Assessment system for Service Quality,'' NTT ECL Technical Journal
Vol30, No.4, Apr. 1981. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ''Objective evaluation
model for telephone transmission performance,'' NTT ECL Technical
Journal Vol. 35, No.1 Jan. 1986. (in Japanese)
Review of ECL
Hideki Kawahara, Naotoshi Osaka, and Seiji Isobe,
''Assessment System for Service Quality,'' Rev. of ECL, Vol29, Nos9-10,
1981. 9.
Naotoshi Osaka, and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ''Objective Model for
Evaluating Telephone Transmission Performance,'' Rev. of ECL, Vol36,
No.4 1986. 5.
The proceeding of the Acoustical Society of Japan (The Proc. of
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Estimation of mean
opinion score for loudness loss and noise on telephone voice,'' The
Proc. of ASJ, Spring '79 4-2-10 Jun. 1979. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Assessment of
transmission quality on telephone line,'' The Proc. of ASJ, Fall '79
3-2-13, Oct. 1979. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Transmission quality
and speech volume on field telephone line,'' The Proc. of ASJ, Fall '80
2-1-18, Oct. 1980. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Frame of reference on
opinion evaluation tests,'' The Proc. of ASJ, Sprint '81 1-7-15, May.
1981. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Evaluation
characteristics on field opinion tests,'' The Proc. of ASJ, Fall '81
1-3-10 Oct. 1981. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``study on an objective
evaluation model of att./frequency distortion,'' The Proc. of ASJ, Fall
'82 2-3-6 Mar. 1982. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``A study on telephone
transmission performance prediction model,'' The Proc. of ASJ, Fall '82
2-6-10. Oct. 1982, (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Relation among opinion
scores in various test styles,'' The Proc. of ASJ, Spring '83 2-7-10,
Mar. 1983. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka, Kazuhiko Kakehi and Nobuhiko Kitawaki,
``Evaluation characteristics on opinion tests,'' The Proc. of ASJ, Fall
'83 2-3-17, Oct. 1983. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka, Nobuhiko Kitawaki and Satoru Iai, ``Total
evaluation of telephone transmission performance with talker echo,''
The Proc. of ASJ Fall '84, 1-1-22, Oct. 1984. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Nobuhiko Kitawaki, ``An evaluation model
of telephone transmission performance for talker echo and sidetone,''
The Proc. of ASJ Spring '85 3-5-2, Mar. 1985. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka, ``Comparison of OPINE, evaluation model of
telephone transmission performance with TR model,'' The Proc. of ASJ
Spring '91, Mar. 1991. (in Japanese)
The proceeding of IEICE (Institute of electronics, information
and communication engineers
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Statistical
characteristics of conversation volume in PBX,'' The proc. of IEICE '81
105, Mar. 1981 (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Objective telephone
transmission performance model for fundamental factors and its
applicable range,'' The proc. of IEICE '83, 1640, Mar. 1983. (in
Transaction of the committees, The Acoustical Society of Japan
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi,``Opinion evaluation
characteristics on field and laboratory tests,'' Trans. of the
committee on hearing research, The Acoustical Society of Japan, H-82-24,
Mar. 1982. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Transmission
performance objective evaluation model for fundamental factors,''
Trans. of the committee on speech research, The Acoustical Society of
Japan, S-83-09, May 1983. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka, ``An evaluation model of telephone
transmission performance for fundamental factor and quantizing
distortion,'' Trans. of the committee on hearing research, The
Acoustical Society of Japan, H-84-23, June 1984. (in Japanese)
Internal Documents
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``A Study on an estimation
model of subjective telephone transmission performance,'' Technical
Report No. 10097, Dec. 1980. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Problems of Opinion
evaluation test,'' Technical Report No. 10874, Mar. 1982. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``The Field evaluation
characteristics of telephone transmission performance by ASQ,''
Technical report. No. 18161, Mar. 1982. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Kazuhiko Kakehi, ``Objective evaluation
model of telephone transmission performance for fundamental
transmission factors,'', Technical Report 21105, Dec. 1980. (in
Naotoshi Osaka, Nobuhiko Kitawaki and Kazuhiko Kakehi,
``Objective evaluation model for telephone transmission quality,''
-Psychological performance index linear addition model (OPINE)-'',
Basic Technical Documents, Sep. 1985. (in Japanese)
Naotoshi Osaka and Katsuhiko Shirai, ``Extraction of Individuality
from vowels,'' The Proc. of ASJ Fall 3-1-9, Oct. 1977. (in Japanese)