* scripta社英訳 Naotoshi Osaka, Kazuhiko Kakehi, "Objective Evaluation Model
of Telephone Transmission Performance for Fundamental Transmission Factors,"
Part 1, Vol.69, No. 2, '86. 2.
Naotoshi Osaka, Kazuhiko Kakehi, Satoru Iai and Nobuhiko Kitawaki,
"Objective Model for Evaluating Talker Echo and Sidetone in Telephone
Transmission System," IEEE Trans Communication, Vol. 40, No.11, Nov. 1992.
Naotoshi Osaka, "Objective model for evaluating telephone transmission
performance," 6th FASE symposium, 1986. 9 小坂直敏
,「第6回Faseシンポジウム」音響学会誌、会議報告 昭62. 4
Naotoshi Osaka, "OPINE (Overall Performance Evaluation model for Network
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Naotoshi Osaka,"Transmission Performance Objective Evaluation Model for
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Naotoshi Osaka, "Calculation Method of OPINE," CCITT COM XII-235-E,
Period 1981-1984, 1984. 4
Naotoshi Osaka, "Objective Evaluation Model of Telephone Transmission
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CCITT COM XII-10-E, Period 1985-1988, 1985. 6.
Naotoshi Osaka, "Proposal for a standard opinion database for objective
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