Research Career
Music career is here
- Mar. 1976
- B.S. degrees in Electrical engineering, Waseda University
- Mar. 1978
- M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering, Waseda University.
- Apr. 1978
- NTT Electrical Communications Laboratories
- Engaged in telephone transmission performance research
- Mar. 1986
- Started speech dialogue research
- Apr. 1990
- started computer music reserach
- Feb. 1991
- research administration
- Feb. 1993
- re-start computer music research: Timbre synthesis
- Feb. 1994
- received Doctor of engineering
- July 1996
- leader of sound representation and computer music research group
at NTT Basic Research Laboratories in Atsugi, Kanagawa.
Last update: May 29, 2004.