Lecture Concert
Media Project '07-2
July 22 (Sun.)  
ZAIM Annex 2F Hall
Admission free
Michael T. Chinen/ Period Period for computer
Naotoshi Osaka/ Wavelet II for Video and Computer
Video: Yukifumi Aoki, in cooperation with Photron Ltd, Tokyo.
Tomoko Nakai/Unconscious... for soprano and computer
Soprano: Yasuko Sasaki
Shintaro Imai/Immersive Motion Study for 4 channel electronic acoustics
Amorphous Resonances, Diffused Spaces
CG: Hitoshi Akayam ,
Music: Johnathan F. Lee, Akira Takaoka
Lasers/Light Art: Keiichi Tanaka,
Choreography: Sayaka Tamagawa, Dance: Minami Tamagawa
Organized by School of Science and Technology for Future Life, Tokyo Denki University (TDU)
Coorganized by ON-COO Project (Research Group on Acoustic Space)
with the endorsement of ZAIM and
Access (ZAIM)
TEL 03-5280-3707 FAX 03-5280-3592 mp@mlab.im.dendai.ac.jp
last updated on July 8, 2007